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Family Law

Family law, the body of law regulating family relationships, including marriage and divorce, the treatment of children, and related economic matters.

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Corporate Law

The legal practice of law relating to corporations, or to the theory of corporations. Corporate law often describes the law relating to matters which derive directly from the life-cycle of a corporation.

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Divorce Law

When the couples agree to a divorce, the courts will consider a divorce with mutual consent as per. Section 10A of Indian Divorce Act, 1869, requires the couple to be separated for at least two years

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Criminal Law

Criminal law, the body of law that defines criminal offences, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected persons, and fixes penalties and modes of treatment applicable to convicted offenders.

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Car Accidents

Life is a series of random occurrences and things just happen by accident. This law is really a psychological principle that is accepted without question by most people, thereby making it a law for them.

Civil Law

Civil law is part of a country’s set of laws concerned with citizens’ private affairs, for example, marriage and property ownership, rather than with crime.


Banking and Finance

Bankruptcy & Insolvency

Compliance & Investigaion / White Collar Crime

Corporate / Mergers & Acquisition

Dispute Resolution

Employment Labour & Benefits

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Financial Services

Intellectual Property

Regulatory & Securities